i2E, Inc.
Since I can only access the editing features at work, I will take this opportunity to tout my place of business. The site is a black hole with too much information and more being added all the time. One of my tasks is to post articles on the site from newspapers (after proper authorization, I will add).
i2E, Inc. is a very different place to work and I think pretty much takes me full circle in the arena of not-for-profit entities. I started in education (University of Tulsa and, later, the University Center at Tulsa) in the field of development, on to finance (Tulsa Teachers Credit Union), then the arts (Tulsa Ballet), next on to enclosed wildlife (Tulsa Zoo Friends), followed by health (American Diabetes Association). Now I am in the strange world of not-for-profit business that seeks to create wealth for the state of Oklahoma through the growth of entrepreneuralism. Once you get into the n-f-p ring, you just start circulating around in it.
And now for something completely different....Cain's Ballroom. The home of Bob Wills and the Texas Playboys, as well as my favorite musical venue in Tulsa. It was through Cain's website that I wound up finding this blog site, and only through a roundabout way. Blame it on Steve Earle. I wanted to post a comment to his website, but I had to do it through blogger and, voila, here I am. Thank you Steve and I look forward to seeing you at the Cain's on April 4th.
It is my hope that I will finally find the time to start writing "1965: The World as I Saw It." OK, sounds like I am full of myself in that my take on the world might be more unique than someone else's, but it truly is pretty unique. How many 11 year olds get a trip around the world as a 6th grade graduation present? Big year for me, big year for the world at large. Can't think of a better way to celebrate the 40th anniversary of my landmark event. Whether or not I can do a good job of it is another question altogether. Only thing left to do is jump in and start sketching.
I also need to take a stab at the memorial poem for Judy I have been procrastinating about for 20 years, and maybe have it done by the anniversary of her death in April. Even though she was a month older than I, she froze herself in time at the too young age of 18. I wish she had thought about it a bit more and to this day I am so sorry that I didn't come when she called. Would seeing me possibly have been the important difference that changed her route, or was it fated? Hindsight is so painfully clear...I still miss her and mourn my loss.