Friday, March 25, 2005

Holland Tunnel NJ entrance

Holland Tunnel, originally uploaded by liberalmind1012.

Monday night, April 12, 2004, around 8 pm. The beginning of a 3 hour 'tour' of New York. My first visit there since 1965, and long a dream of mine to return. An added touch that it was raining and dreary. Got to see the Statue of Liberty through the truck window through the rain at night.

It was still a thrill to set foot there for any length of time. Having lived in Rio I have developed an appreciation for the big city and NY is the greatest to me. A place where one can walk and public transportation is abundant is so foreign to Oklahoma. I know that I love downtown Tulsa because of the ease of travel by foot.

Perhaps someday soon I will make it back to the big city and will be able to spend many more hours.

Clint seems to really love it in the city and he is just a small town boy from Joplin, MO. His 33rd birthday is next week and I wonder if he has yet come to terms with his sexual identity? Religion had such a strong hold over him, plus the fact he did not want to disappoint his parents--that was his morbid fear. Would they have rejected their only son? We had so much fun together at the ballet, and we could be so silly. We enjoyed each other and the relief through clowning around from too much work. He is still so dear to me. New York next year....

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